
March 31, 2012

EggBert Comes to Town!

Hello all you wonderful wizards! It's me, Destiny, coming at you live from the Shopping District. I'm here talking to EggBert about all the things you can expect now that April has arrived!

  Destiny - "Hello, EggBert! Nice to have you back in Wizard City. What are you looking forward to in your time here?"
  EggBert - "Well, I'm obviously looking forward to Easter. What wizard isn't? But I am also looking forward to some celebrations. You've heard of an Easter Egg hunt, haven't you?"
  Destiny - "I have, what about it?"
  EggBert - "Well ... Wizard101 has informed me of a special scavenger hunt of their own! They have scattered 60 puzzle pieces in fansites all throughout cyberspace! The final puzzle reveals a special image."
  Destiny - "Sounds exciting! I can't wait till some lucky wizards find all of them! That's a surprise I'd love to see! Anything else happening in April, Eggbert?"
  EggBert - "Of course! Wizard101 has also informed me of a cool new offer! For a limited time, when you buy a 12 month subscription, you'll also get a free Boar Knight Pet!"
  Destiny - "Awesome! I've also seen some funny looking rocks walking around alongside some wizards. Care to elucidate for me?"
  EggBert - "Of course! How could I forget? The new Trolling Stone pet is out for a limited time! And he's not just any pet rock! He's a real awesome little guy to have by your side!"
  Destiny - "Awesome to hear! I'll check out the Crowns Shop today! How limited are we talking about here?"
  EggBert - "Not long at all! The offer ends at 11:59pm, Monday April 2nd!"
  Destiny - "Whoa! That's hardly any time at all! We'd better hop to it!"
  EggBert - "Indeed! But I haven't even told you the best part! What I have to offer the Spiral this Spring!"
  Destiny - "How could I forget! I saw a lot of Easter baskets loaded with goods from afar. What kind of things do we have for sale this year?"
  EggBert - "Glad you asked, Destiny. I have more than I've ever had before! I have Bunny wands and staffs, other fun spring wands, and the real doorbuster sale, the Pet Egg! I have one of them myself. Real cute little guys!"
  Destiny - "Awesome! I've also seen a lot of rushing to the Crowns Shop. I hear one of your items are going there this year."
  EggBert - "Oh yes, our Peter Cottontail Bunny Costume is reaching record popularity among wizards all over the Spiral! And for only 2500 Crowns, it's a sale you do not want to miss!"
  Destiny - "I'll hop to it right away! Now that all the RavenWood students are on Spring Break, it's a perfect time to update on some shopping, bonding with friends, or even Spring Cleaning! Thanks for joining us here, EggBert!"
  EggBert - "Thanks for having me, Destiny!"
  Destiny - "No problem! You heard it live folks! Brand new Spring Sales and Updates coming to you! If you want more details on any April Update, check out Wizard101's RavenWood News. Until then, I'm Destiny, your Wizard Journalist!"

See ya in the Spiral!