
January 5, 2012

Mayhem at the Malls!

There was much commotion in the Shopping District today as the Tunnel to Olde Town seemed to be closed at approximately 2:25 pm, in one of the fullest in-game realms during the dilemma. Wizardly Times Reporter, Keira was at the scene.

"Today in the Shopping District I saw a huge swarm of wizards crowded at the Olde Town Tunnel. I wanted to know what was wrong so I tried to enter the tunnel myself. Turns out, I was unable to go! A window promted me stating: Area Closed. Then i noticed as the swarm grew and many people were wondering why. A wizard even stated on the scene, 'It looks like Black Friday out here!' Then I knew this was a Top Story that only the Wizardly Times could cover! Reporter Keira of the Wizardly Times."

Here is a look at what Wizards like you are saying about the incident:

"I got really mad because I was planning on fighting a few bosses! Hopefully win a mount or a pet, just fancy stuff." - Ethan RavenCloud
"I can't go anywhere!" - Stephanie DuskShade
"Boo this is so boring!" - Mackenzie RainbowHeart repeatedly stated

The area still seems to be closed, but many wizards seem to be teleporting away. According to other accounts, the same tunnel in other realms are working just fine. Latest report shows that some wizards with large mounts appear like they are able to pass through, but the majority of wizards still stand unable to cross the way.

Your Reporters Take a Bow

Today, your favorite Wizard101 News Source, The Wizardly Times, hits a landmark date. It is not the site's anniversary, more-so a special occasion for the reporters. Your 2 favorite reporters Destiny and Jasmine have reached the seemingly-noob level of 40. Another thing to report, Destiny has achieved a Hawk Riders Bundle, so she can now report Wizardly News from a "Bird's-Eye-View". 

Last, but not least, we introduce the newest member of the Wizardly Times Family, Keira! Keira will now join Destiny and Jasmine as a lead author and Reporter for the Wizardly Times! If you see any of us flying around, be sure to say hello! 

Holiday Items are Leaving the Crowns Shop!

Hurry wizards! Limited time items like the Charity Chrismoose Mount are saying their final goodbyes before officially leaving tomorrow! You have less than 24 hours to pick these items up before they're gone for good!

January 3, 2012

Felix Navidad is Leaving the Spiral!

Attention all wizards! Felix Navidad is packing up his items and leaving Wizard City until next year! But he still has items on clearance for your Wizard! Tomorrow night, 11:59 pm, Felix will be taking his Chrismoose Mount and heading off until the next Hoilday Season! Catch him while he's still there!